Coinchange Updates
Nov 2, 2022

Highlights: Coinchange Attended Ethereum DevCon 2022 in Bogota, Colombia

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Ethereum ecosystem has some of the most innovative developments and DeFi applications in the entire blockchain space. While the network has gained significant popularity among developers and investors alike, many argue that it’s still in its infancy and requires more advancements to realize its full potential.

That's why this year’s Ethereum DevCon 2022 event in Bogota, Colombia, was an incredible opportunity to hear and learn from top developers and tech professionals about key information and updates surrounding the network.

To begin, the conference took place at the Agora Bogotá Convention Center, a massive, beautifully designed venue with multiple floors and levels, which made the entire experience truly breathtaking - there was so much to explore.

The level of activity was truly impressive and the event was very well organized. There were several sessions dedicated to helping new developers get started with coding skills, giving them a chance to learn from experienced developers and build effective applications for business use cases. Presentations included keynote speakers (the likes of Vitalik Buterin, Brewster Kahle, Danny Ryan, and more) discussing the network’s current development status, plans for upcoming updates, DeFi, and more. 

One of the most interesting topics was Zero Knowledge (ZK) proofs, which allow information to be proven without disclosing it. The current blockchain environment can be too transparent for one's personal information and ZK is a very useful tool to protect your identity. Our teammate Diego Rodriguez also had the opportunity to attend the NEAR Protocol side event and learned more about other protocols such as MetaPool, Pagoda Platform, FewandFarNFT, Aurora, and many more with great potential. 

Coinchange participated in Ethereum DevCon 2022 to showcase our crypto risk management and yield platform to the Ethereum community. Our team interacted and networked with other companies interested in developing their products on Ethereum, laying the groundwork for new project ideas and future collaborations. We also connected with potential clients who showed interest in using our platform for digital asset management.

The experience was on another level and attending an event with so many passionate and knowledgeable people dedicated to building on Ethereum was like no other; it made us feel more confident that Coinchange is headed in the right direction alongside the community. We are more excited than ever to see what’s next in the pipeline for this thriving and ever-growing ecosystem.

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