17 MIN
Nov 22, 2022

Blockchain, NFTs and the lack of female presence in leadership roles in Business with Somi Arian

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Hello everyone, welcome to our guest AMA and today we have Somi Arian on our show. She is a Tech-Philosopher and an Entrepreneur and hosts a podcast called Somi Arian Podcast. She has a documentary called The Millennial Disruption starring big names such as Gary Vee and head of marketing for Bently. She wrote a book called Career Fear (and how to beat it!). She is also the founder of InPeak which is a lifelong learning platform for emerging technologies such as Web3, Crypto, NFTs, De-Fi, the Metaverse and Macroeconomy. In this video she discusses the lack of female presence in leadership roles in Business and Technology, with academics, industry leaders, and thinkers from across the world as together they brainstorm how to change this narrative.

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